Shade Structures for Urban Environments

Although shade structures are commonly thought of as installations for hotels, resorts, and luxurious private residences, they also make excellent additions to parks, public gardens, playgrounds, and other parts of the urban landscape. Due to dense crowding, lack of natural greenery, released internal heat (from sewers, mechanical equipment, etc.), and heat-absorbent materials used to make pathways (tar, concrete, etc.), it’s not uncommon for cities to turn into what the EPA defines as heat islands. “The heat island effect increases energy costs (e.g., for air conditioning), air pollution levels, and heat-related illness and mortality. Extreme heat events often affect certain populations first, with factors like age, race, income, and location playing a role in who is most at risk from extreme heat.” Inside an A/C-equipped building, heat is of little consequence (your energy bill notwithstanding!), but outside it remains a source of discomfort and, worse yet, a hazard to everyone’s health. Providing shade — whether at a public gathering site or just at unprotected intervals — benefits everyone commuting and socializing in the hot summer months.
Whatever the venue, the elegantly constructed shelters designed and custom-fabricated here at PalmSHADE help imbue your space with boosted aesthetics, comfort, and a welcoming vibe. Read on to learn about a few urban settings where shades come in handy.
Why do urban environments need shade structures?
Before we get into specifics, a quick reminder of the hazards that pedestrians experience in unprotected urban environments during the summer:
- Extreme heat index. As we mentioned at the top, urban environments are known to become “heat islands,” which project extreme temperatures upon people from virtually all angles: from the heat-absorbent pavement, from the contained heat of a claustrophobic area, and from the sun. All of this can result in heat stroke, heat sickness, and dehydration. If you have access to a sun shade structure, however, you can take shelter as needed and experience relief.
- UV rays. Don’t forget that the sun’s ultraviolet rays can produce deadly effects on unprotected skin. Potential results include everything from sun damage, premature wrinkles, burns, and — worse yet — skin cancer. It is for this reason that health experts encourage everyone to wear sunscreen before spending prolonged periods of time outdoors. What also helps protect your skin is having access to shade-providing shelters.
- Weak visual aesthetics. Imagine how much more attractive a playground or city park will appear if its grounds are distinguished with a professionally crafted sun shade structure. Passersby walking home from work on a hot day will also see a refuge where they can sit and cool off before resuming the trek home.
What urban areas need sun shade structures?
- City parks. City parks attract a broad variety of people: families, dog owners, bird watchers, people on lunch break, etc. All of whom need relief from the sun and cancer-causing UV rays. Parks with shade structures stand out from other parks in the city. Don’t forget about paved pathways; concrete absorbs heat no matter where it’s located, and this can make an afternoon hike rather uncomfortable. Not so much if the pathway has a protective curved shade structure protecting stretches of it!
- Playgrounds. Playgrounds mean constant physical activity for visitors: climbing, playing tag, running up and down stairs, etc. All of which increases body temperature, compounding the side effects of prolonged heat exposure. On top of that, playground equipment can become hot and dangerous to the touch on hot days. Shade structures, however, help keep equipment cool and give kids a more comfortable area to play. A shade structure also means kids can take breaks in a cool area. Their parents can also watch from a shaded area and hold onto everyone’s water bottles without becoming dehydrated themselves.
- Public gardens. Hours among flowers, banzai trees, and carefully sculpted hedges make for a wonderful, romantic afternoon. When the temperature becomes a bit much, you can take refuge beneath the canopy of a sun shade. Think about this, also: unique-looking installations help attract customers to your garden; so it’s good for business!
- Plazas. Crowds in a shared space means shared body heat. Add that to the heat of the day, and the local city plaza can become stifling. Shade shelters help break up the crowds and take a few degrees off the temperature.
- Bus stops. Imagine waiting an hour or more on the hot pavement for your bus to show up. If the local bus stop has a protective shade structure, you can enjoy a more pleasurable experience.
Get your custom-made shade structures at PalmSHADE!
PalmSHADE is the nation’s top contractor for shade structures. There are no cranked-from-the-factory products sold here. Although we sell shades in a variety of styles, each product is designed and fabricated according to the specific spatial needs of the customer. When you contact our sales team, tell them your height and spatial needs, and they’ll get a free quote on the project for you. From here, our designers will put together original CAD drawings of the style you chose, tailored to the dimensions you provided. Once you give approval to the drawings, fabrication begins. The result is a rust-resistant, high-quality sun shade that’ll serve your park, playground, etc. for generations to come!