Architectural Screens for Retail Outlets

Ever since our inception in 2002, PalmSHIELD has prioritized developing architectural screens to satisfy the broadest possible clientele. We take each product type seriously, examining with the proverbial fine tooth comb until hitting upon the ideal combination of design, engineering, and functionality. Architectural screens are commonly thought of as visual blockades for industrial complexes: made to surround mechanical equipment such as HVACs, cooling towers, and generators. But did you know they’re equally essential for retail outlets? Stores, malls, and restaurants benefit from the installation of these protective barriers for a number of reasons.

The basics

Before we get into retail-specific benefits, here are a few ways our professionally crafted screens benefit property owners.

  • Avoiding civil ordinance fines. One of the top reasons that equipment screening has taken off as an industry standard is the fact that more and more progressive cities require them. Civil ordinances disapprove of dumpsters, rooftop equipment, and hazardous installations being exposed and accessible to the general public. Failing to abide by these ordinances results in violations and steep fines for which property managers become liable. Architectural screens with gated entrances seal off these fixtures from public view, maintaining a uniform building profile and enhancing safety.
  • Protecting expensive equipment. HVACs, transformers, solar panels, and cooling towers are essential to your building’s day-to-day operation. Equipment such as this tend to be expensive to install, expensive to maintain, and expensive to repair. For this reason, it only makes sense to reduce instances where mechanical equipment potentially becomes vulnerable to damage.

Those are a few general benefits that apply to clients of all kinds. Now, in addition to what’s listed above, in what ways do architectural screens benefit retail clients? Let’s discuss that now.

How do architectural screens improve your building profile?

As we mentioned before, architectural screens are frequently installed to seal off mechanical equipment that, while essential to building maintenance, is unappealing to look at. If you manage a store or a restaurant, you know that a picture’s worth a thousand words and that first impressions make a world of difference. First impressions include more than quality products and service; it means capturing peoples’ interest the moment they see your establishment. Potential customers are less likely to step through your door if they see bulky equipment jutting from the roof and pavement. With our architectural screens, however, customers do not see your HVACs. They remain functional without creating an eye sore.

Let’s talk for a minute about our signature architectural louvers. While consisting of independently installed slats of aluminum spaced apart, they provide only as much visibility as you require. When you contract with PalmSHIELD, we custom-design your screens from the ground up. The angle at which the louvers are installed is determined before the actual fabrication process begins. At the same time, we space them apart so that necessarily ventilation can get through. What’s more, we offer powder coating, which allows us to color your screens so that they match and blend in with your building profile.

But suppose you want screens that stand out in addition to sealing off equipment from public view…. Read on to learn more!

Ready to discuss your screening project? Contact our sales team today!

How do architectural screens attract customers?

Sometimes, first impressions go beyond even maintaining a uniform building profile. Some stores and restaurants want outdoor installations that actively draw the eye of passersby. Visually appealing architectural screens draw the eye, make your establishment stand out, and create a lasting impression. PalmSHIELD actually manufactures and sells a number of panel styles suited for this. These include:

  • LED Backlit Screens. PalmSHIELD’s fabrication team operates out of a massive contemporary facility stocked with cutting-edge welding and laser cut technology. As such, we’re able to custom manufacture the infill of our LED backlit panels to display any design of your choice: logos, lettering, patterns, you name it! The panel exteriors are constructed around acrylic through which the glow of LEDs project, creating an attractive display. You also pick what color the LEDs will be. Oh, and did we mention the colors can alternate?
  • Faux Brick & Stone Screens. This series uses professionally sculpted and painted polymer infill to simulate the appearance of masonry. The infill is extremely lightweight and blends in smoothly with old-fashioned building profiles. Some of these have very spectacular, eye-catching designs and can help draw the eyes of passersby to your building.
  • Trellis Screens. Gardens and botanists need to conceal their mechanical equipment fixtures, too, but in a thematically appropriate manner. That is made possible with PalmSHIELD’s Trellis screens, which are designed to support live vegetation.

Use architectural screens as dumpster enclosures

Dumpsters rank among the top independent installations that city ordinances require building managers to conceal from public view. It’s also practical from a management standpoint. An unprotected dumpster is exposed to vandals, wild animals seeking an easy meal (say, raccoons and bears), and the wind (which can flip open the dumpster lid and scatter the contents across the ground). Once your lot’s covered with trash, instantly you lose public appeal and potential customers. And why waste your workers’ valuable time by sending them to clean up? Dumpster enclosures helps block all these elements, and the gate allows easy access to authorized personnel.

PalmSHIELD’s architectural screens make excellent dumpster enclosures, and remember: you can request your screens include a gate, which will match your screening aesthetic.

Our sales team is ready to discuss your architectural screening needs. They can advise you on which product best suits your needs and provide a free estimate on what it will cost.