Why Dog Parks Need Sun Shade Structures

As dog owners, we want the optimum play experience for our four-legged companions. This means it’s up to us to provide quality experiences for them 24/7, including outside the home. For instance: before we go on vacation, it’s essential to select reputable, high-quality pet sitting businesses that’ll feed and shelter your dog until you return — as well as allow them opportunities to fraternize with other four-legged tenants.

How about dog parks, the subject of today’s article? Most pet parents gravitate toward community parks that are spacious and scenic and feature numerous walkways. Visiting dogs embark on strolls with their human companions, pausing to sniff whatever catches their fancy along the way. They can also play in the fields with other pooches while their respective owners look on. This benefits us, too, as it provides an opportunity to make new friends and nurture community relations — our common love for dogs helping bring us together. In short, dog parks promote both exercise and community engagement. Our dogs get to have fun while we find an excuse to get outdoors and meet fellow pet parents.

That said, safety should factor into how we choose favorite parks. We must always consider potential dangers, and we’re not strictly discussing location-based safety hazards such as busy highway and woodsy areas that are home to dangerous wild animals. A major cause for concern that could apply for months at a time is weather. There’s an important installation to look for in picking out a dog park (and, for park managers, to consider installing). That installation is the sun shade structure, specifically those manufactured and sold by PalmSHADE. In this article, we’ll discuss how these structures benefit both dogs and their owners, and why you should seek one out when browsing for your next go-to outdoor play area.

Sun Shade Structures help protect dogs from the summer heat

Summertime can hamper an entire season’s worth of outdoor plans. During the year’s warmest time, many pet parents resort to walking/exercising their dogs either in the early morning or late evening — hoping to avoid the truly oppressive heat of the day. It has been reported that most breeds are vulnerable to heat stroke in temperatures exceeding 89 degrees Fahrenheit. However, being cooped up for hours at a time can prove irritating to our pets, as they find themselves looking out the window at what appears (to them) to be a calm, sunny day.

Now, as to the solution. If your favorite dog park has a sun shade structure, you can attain fun hours even on hot days. When your dog tires after playing in the sun, call them beneath the protective cover of the shade to cool off and drink water. Your pooch can take numerous breaks during play sessions. PalmSHADE also sells sun shade structures designed to cover winding paths. Property managers can install a series of these protective coverings over walkways, providing relief to pet owners who are walking their dogs and allowing them to get their dual exercise. Overhead shelter also helps protect our animal friends from sun burns, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer.

Got questions about shade structures? Contact our sales team today!

Sun Shade Structures provide a cool place for dog watching

Dogs aren’t the only ones potentially vulnerable to oppressive summer heat; dog owners also find themselves beaten down by the heat, vulnerable to sun burns, etc. when they don’t have overhead protection. A shade-providing installation in the dog park provides everyone a refuge from the heat and heat-related hazards. This includes pet owners who need a comfortable place from which to watch their pooches frolic. A PalmSHADE structure positioned over a park bench is optimal, as you can rest and enjoy the comfort of shade on a hot summer day.

Unique structures to distinguish your dog park from the competition

From a property owner perspective, uniquely designed shade structures are a worthy investment, as they help create attention and increase visitors for your dog park. If you have these shade-providing installations in the open, customers remember they have access to shade and are more likely to visit during hot summer months — as opposed to other neighborhood parks that don’t offer shade whatsoever. Furthermore, sun shades help draw the attention of passersby. People driving or strolling past will more likely notice these tall, ornate structures.

Custom-made Sun Shade Structures for all venues

Did you know that sun shade structures can also benefit homeowners? Ever consider installing one in your backyard, and how that might benefit your dog? We have a whole article on the subject here, but in short: with a sun shade in your yard, the pooch can spend time outdoors at home and have a shaded area to retreat under as needed. Here at PalmSHADE, we custom design and fabricate every product according to the client’s specific needs.

Feel free to browse our selection of shade structures. Contact our sales team for more information and a free quote on our products!