How Sun Shades Benefit Homeowners

When it comes to manufacturers of professionally crafted sun shades, PalmSHADE outperforms the competition by a wide margin. Although our products come in a broad variety of styles, each is meticulously designed and fabricated to the job site’s specific layout. Our design team reviews measurements submitted by you before they start drawing; and only when the resultant CAD drawings have been approved by you does the actual fabrication process begins. The result: a beautifully made shade structure that’ll distinguish your property for years to come! In working with us, clients set aside worries about purchasing structures ill-suited to their installation site.

Sun shades are frequently installed on commercial properties—bus stops, train stations, cab stands—and public areas such as parks and playgrounds. However, these expertly crafted structures contribute enormous benefits to residential areas, as well. Whether you are a homeowner looking to spruce up your property or an apartment manager hoping to encourage more outdoor activity among tenants, read on to learn how these products can benefit you!

Contact PalmSHADE today for a free quote on our sun shades!

Increased Outdoor Summer Time

Summer months are, ideally, when parents and their spend time outdoors. The kids are on vacation from school for a few months; the temperature’s perfect for daytime dips in the pool; evenings are optimal for the barbecue. That is, unless the temperature’s sweltering, in which case everyone’s bound to spend most of the day hours inside. This is where shade structures come into play. By installing one of these fixtures in your yard or at the poolside, you can comfortably enjoy many hours outdoors. The overhead roof allows you to take in fresh air, talk with neighbors—all while enjoying protection from both the heat and UV rays.

Shade for Pets

Families aren’t the only ones who need shade. During the hot summer months, pets also enjoy spending time outdoors. With a shade structure installed in the yard, dogs can relieve themselves, wander around—and then take refuge in the shade found beneath these overhead roofs. By installing a PalmSHADE shelter in your yard and keeping their water dish full, pets can maintain their preference for outdoor time. The same is true for apartment complexes that allow dogs. If there’s an outdoor shaded area nearby, tenants can accompany their pets on exercises, and both can enjoy the comfort found beneath a PalmSHADE structure.

Extended Social Space

Summer—with school vacation, sunny weather, and the Fourth of July—is the prime season for backyard socialization. Backyard activities include pool parties, barbecues, birthday parties, lawn golf, sleepovers for the kids, etc. Of course, fun time is best when there’s available respite from the heat. Sun shades allow people to socialize and withdraw for shade; then, when they’re cooled off, they head back out for another round of fun. Without this respite, they’re more likely to retreat indoors and thus negate the purpose of having outdoor festivities in the first place.

If you manage an apartment complex, the more fixtures you set up outside, the more likely tenants are to congregate and meet one another. Setting up an attractive PalmSHADE structure entices people to step outside and rest beneath the shaded canopy.

Increased Property Value

Although sun shades are often installed for their immediate benefits, they’re also an investment with the potential to pay off in the long run. Just like a fence or a swimming pool, a sun shade helps distinguish your home from those of your neighbors—and thus raises the value of your property! It’ll also make your home more memorable to potential homebuyers should you decide to put your property on the market. Buyers who want outdoor shade are more likely to buy a home that already has one installed, as it’ll save them the time and hassle of installing one.

As you can see, our shade fixtures offer many benefits to residential property owners. Contact PalmSHADE today and get a free estimate on our sun shades!