Sun Shade Structures for Bleachers and Sporting Venues

When it comes to cheering on your favorite local sports team—or rooting for your kid as they score goals in this year’s soccer tournament—there is no alternative to in-person spectatorship on the bleachers. Why settle for video footage of the game or hearing who won from your triumphant kid when you can watch them achieve victory in person? As the manager of a local ball field, these are the sort of questions you imagine clients asking. Parents, teachers, and extended family love to attend sporting events, especially when the weather is immaculately cool and refreshing during the spring and autumn.

Summer, however, is a different case: when temperatures are on the rise, when humidity reaches skin-softening levels, and when—on particularly harsh days—the breeze is virtually nonexistent. In short: outdoor summer events can be brutal on spectators…unless they have the luxury of shade. And there is no better shade solution than the overhead structures designed, fabricated, and sold by PalmSHADE.

Contact PalmSHADE’s sales team to discuss shade structures for your ball field!

PalmSHADE Shade Structure Overview

Our shade structures come in a variety of styles and are designed to accommodate multiple situations. Common installation sites include public transport depots (cab stands, bus stops, and train stations), parks and playgrounds, poolside rest areas, and public benches. Be sure to check out the various styles we offer—and each of their unique design traits—but all our products have these points in common:

  • Custom-designed shade structures. When you hire us for a job, we don’t simply give you a standard-issue, factory-made product. Our sales team requests measurements pertaining to your installation site as well as the structure design you’re interested in—and from there will attain CAD drawings to make a product matching your needs. We don’t start manufacturing the product until we receive your approval on the drawings.
  • Superior rust and UV resistance. Rust resistance is imperative for shade structures designed for permanent outdoor installation. After all, these products will withstand rain and snow with each passing year. And throughout the year they’ll be regularly exposed to the sun and ultraviolet rays. For this reason, PalmSHADE fabricates its products using special materials and chemical treatments.
  • Customization options. All of our shade structures can be internally wired for electrical power. Custom selected lighting and fans may be incorporated into your design for additional comfort and convenience. This can be convenient for shade structures when your sports bleachers are in use during the evening. And fans provide extra relief from the heat.

Benefits of Shade Structures for Bleachers

PalmSHADE’s professionally fabricated structures feature canopies—to serve as barriers between users and the overhead environment. Benefits for sports spectators and property managers include:

  • Protection from the heat. Sitting beneath these shelters greatly reduces the risk of sunburns, sunstroke, dehydration, heat sickness, and long-term health issues (such as skin cancer) that could result from recurring lengthy periods in the blistering summer heat. Shade doesn’t, of course, negate the need for water and sunscreen, but it goes a long way in enhancing comfort.
  • Cooler surfaces. During the summer months, long hours spent sitting on bleachers can be torturous. Especially if the bleachers at your local sporting area are composed of heat-absorbent metal. You might want to wear shorts, for some minimal heat relief, but now must consciously position yourself so as not to burn yourself on the metal surface.
  • Increased visitors. If you manage sporting areas, consider this. Although you already have dedicated patrons who come out for every game, rain or shine, imagine how many additional paying customers you’ll receive if people know of your shaded bleachers.
  • Use in other seasons. Here’s another perk to PalmSHADE’s shade structures. Because they’re an outdoor installation, they provide shelter benefits throughout the changing seasons; they’re not exclusively useful in the summer. For instance, during the winter, these roof-equipped installations help keep snow off your bleachers.

PalmSHADE’s sales team is ready to discuss your sun shade project!