How Rooftop Equipment Screening Helps Businesses in Windy Areas

Are you a property manager in an area prone to high winds? Learn how PalmSHIELD’s rooftop equipment screening can potentially save you thousands in damages.

Rooftop equipment, such as HVAC units, generators, and solar panels, are essential for many businesses. These mechanical fixtures are necessary to keep operations in your facility running smoothly. However, in windy areas, these installations can pose several challenges for which you must be prepared. Especially in areas prone to high winds. No matter how sturdily installed your rooftop equipment is, days, weeks, months, years of high pressure eventually leads to damages, ranging from physical dents impacting performance to entire fixtures being torn from the roof and crashing onto whatever (or whomever) lies below. As a property manger, it is incumbent upon you to take preventative measures ahead of time.

This is where rooftop equipment screening comes in. Consisting of protective screens installed near the perimeter of your rooftop, these barriers help shoulder the pressure of high winds, reducing the strain on your equipment. As such, those essential items continue running smoothly with less interference. Of course, you also need a reputable fabricator to custom-design and build your rooftop equipment screening. In this article, we’ll go over the importance of screening, and why PalmSHIELD is the nation’s most reputable and trusted screening contractor.

PalmSHIELD’s screening products are first custom-designed by a team of qualified professionals. Contact our sales staff today to get your project started!

Protection from Wind Damage

One of the most obvious reasons to install rooftop equipment screening in windy areas is to protect valuable equipment from wind damage. Strong winds can exert significant force on rooftop equipment, potentially causing it to shift, become damaged, or even dislodged. The cost of repairing or replacing this equipment can be substantial. Screening acts as a barrier that deflects wind and reduces its force, thus safeguarding your investments and minimizing repair and replacement expenses.

Protection from Lawsuits

Consider what happens when rooftop equipment is torn from its foundation and crashes to the ground below. Suppose it lands on someone’s car, careens into a nearby structure, crushes ground mounted equipment, plunges into a nearby water source. These are matters you as property manager must consider in advance. Installing rooftop equipment screening to diminish wind damage can potentially save you from an expensive lawsuit.

Has your building suffered wind damage in recent years? Plans for the future with our high-quality rooftop screens!

Reduces Odds of Future Repairs

Of course, professionally fabricated screening comes at a price. But consider the total cost you’ll pay long-term should you continually have to repair/replace equipment due to wind damage. By installing rooftop equipment screening, you’ll potentially save thousands of dollars.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Windy conditions can adversely affect the energy efficiency of rooftop equipment. HVAC units, for instance, may be forced to work harder to maintain temperature control when exposed to strong winds. This increased workload leads to higher energy consumption and operational costs. Rooftop equipment screening can act as a windbreak, reducing wind resistance and allowing your equipment to operate more efficiently. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings on your energy bills.

Improved Aesthetic Appeal

Businesses in urban or highly visible areas must consider the visual impact of their rooftop equipment. Unsightly machinery can detract from the overall aesthetic of a building and its surroundings. Rooftop equipment screening offers an attractive solution by concealing the equipment from view. These screens can be customized to complement the building’s architecture, ensuring a harmonious appearance.

Compliance with Local Regulations

Many municipalities have zoning and building regulations that dictate the appearance and placement of rooftop equipment. These regulations are often designed to maintain the visual integrity of an area. Failure to comply with these rules can result in fines, delays, or even the forced removal of equipment. Rooftop equipment screening can help businesses remain in compliance with local regulations, avoiding potential legal and financial consequences.

Noise Reduction

In addition to protecting against wind, rooftop equipment screening can also serve as a noise barrier. Rooftop machinery can generate significant noise pollution, which can be disruptive to employees and neighboring businesses or residents. Screening materials designed for noise reduction can help muffle the sounds produced by rooftop equipment, creating a quieter and more comfortable environment for all.

For businesses operating in windy areas, rooftop equipment screening offers a range of benefits that extend beyond protection from wind damage. Enhanced energy efficiency, improved aesthetics, compliance with local regulations, and noise reduction are compelling reasons to invest in this solution. By doing so, businesses can ensure the longevity of their rooftop equipment, minimize operational costs, and contribute to a more visually appealing and harmonious urban landscape. Rooftop equipment screening is not just a practical choice; it’s a wise investment in the long-term success and sustainability of your business.

In terms of contractors, PalmSHIELD dominates the competition! Our rooftop screens are custom-fabricated according to your exact specifications, by a team of trained industry professionals!

As you can see, PalmSHIELD has all the bases covered when it comes to rooftop equipment screening. Call now to speak to our sales team!